The Uniform Appraisal Dataset – Tip of the Day

by Wendell Browne on June 1, 2011

The deadline for the UAD implementation is approaching quickly. With Summer in full swing, it will be easy for the start date to slip up on you. I’ve seen reports come across my desk that have no information under the site field of the URAR other than “typical lot”. Well, that will change with the UAD.

If you have a 2 acre subject lot and three comparable sales ranging from 0.25 acres to 0.50 acres, how will you report this in the grid ?

Todays TIP:  The UAD will require the site size for all properties less than one acre to be reported in square feet; and properties of 1 acre or greater to be reported in acres.


{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Tom Horn

Thanks Wendell for the tip. You’re right, the implementation of the UAD is coming up on us fast.


2 Wendell Browne

You bet, Tom. Thanks for stopping by. !


3 Bryan McDonald

Thanks for the tip. I am not looking forward to this one, having to convert of the lot sizes to sq.ft. Do you use ACI? Do you know if it will automatically change the data if entered in acres?


4 Wendell Browne

Hope it helps Bryan. The UAD will bring mucho changes, no doubt. No, I use Wintotal; no idea about what ACI is up to.


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